Upgradation of the website security: CHECK!
In recent many years there has been an escalation in the software tools and techniques in the web designing and development. There are many independent platforms which unable the corporate users to launch their business online at ease. The rich modules, programmingframework, easyup loadings at fast speeds make it conventionally possible for any user to run their website without much knowledge impartment.
The only hassle one faces in this respect is the question that whether their website or the contents they are uploading for the branding of their products and services is secured? The data implying their technical sources are safe when launched world widely? Over all whether the website content is secured or not? Cybercrimes and Criminals are becoming equipped with the latest tools that can govern and easily hack any of the websites available online.
Below we are mentioning few tips and tricks to improve the web security and make it free from the inconvenience caused:
- Learn the art of configuring server files
- One should have the knowledge to set up the server files since they fetch the user with the information of how to execute the server files and improve the directory of website security files.
- Helps in avoiding the user who are nuisance creators, a limited amount of information should be allowed to be accessed.
- These Preventive measures avoid usage of one’s ownbrand images by some other website.
- Backups are a must!
Take a considerable amount of time to create a backup of your data but avoid the storage of these backups on the servers as it gives the cybercriminals an easy access to your data.
- File and Folder Permissions
It defines the activity what a user is allowed to do to any file. Whether one can read, write or perform any kind of execution on any file. These can be performed as in accordance with the users involved in the process.
- They can be the owners, who can also be known by the terminology of being the creators.
- They can be group members; all members own the permissions to do whatever they want to with the file as long as they are member of the group.
- Lastly it can be accessed publicly, that is by any one or everyone
Updating of the extension is a must
Downloading of the extensions should be done via a reliable resource. Oneneeds to have a keen knowledge of the extensions since there are various working with similar nature of functionality.
- Password Authentication should be strong ,encrypted and complex
We do get disrupted when we are asked to change our password, or at times include special characters or increase the strength of password .But never these facts are known to us that they do result in securing our online uploaded information.
There are many search engines which can look for the probability of maximum used words in the password formation. So one need to be very careful while forming the combination of passwords. It should be unique, encrypted along with various complex characters. One should avoid using details as name, specialdates, or just characters or case letters
- Content Management settings should be changed
Since mostly the attackers have attained a terminology of being automated .When one changes the default settings when the CMS systems are being installed, the search engine of the hackers will not be able to find the required information.
- Installation of SSL Certification
An encryption of data is connected between the browser and the website one is surfing. These are in the form of certifications to be installed and guarantee the fool proof security of any website. These are validated by the Certificate Authority. These are available in commonly three formats, ExtendedValidation (EV) SSL Certificates, OrganisationalValidation (OV) SSL Certificates and Domain Validation (DV) SSL Certificates. It even protects the visitor’sinformation, being one of the most vital parts of security domain and ensuring the safety of your Website.
- Sensible Authentication
There are many websites which can be used by multiple users that is many users have the permission to access the website as a part of their working task. The concept of providing least privilege should be incorporated amongst the users as not to allow them to make any changes in the web content only the relevant posts made by them should be entertained.
- Updates are necessary
There are enormous websites available online which are supposed to be updated from time to time with respect to not only the data or the information rather their installed antivirus or the security module are also to be upgraded. There are hacking soft wares which automatically run their version s and the sites which ruin their security system with time are hacked automatically. One needs to update as soon as they are released, or else bother to secure it via firewall protection. Also to stay informed with the knowledge of updates, enable the security warnings.
- Firewall or other security applications can be installed
The application of firewall sets a security system between the web server and the connecting data which further filters all the data or the information which bypasses.
While the above mentioned tips can be helpful and usable if applied with sufficient details and knowledge, still nothing can beat the cross checking of the websites and their security by conducting website audits very often and frequently.