Linux Server

Server Automation

Server Automation Tips on cPanel server

Server Automation at some point is required to execute critical operational task when you really don’t have any option doing it from the control panel itself. cPanel is an amazing control panel with almost all the tools and scripts available to perform the task as per your needs. However, there are many such automation tasks which we cannot perform or don’t have it in cPanel. Today we will discuss some small tips about server automation for cPanel in this [...]

Server Attack

How to Detect Outbound Server Attack

This article describes how to detect outbound server attack and tackle abuse complaints on your web hosting environments. It’s not a secret and if you yourself are a linux systems administrator or a website developer or someone who is dealing with production environments, you are already well-aware of the three demons we have to face almost every day on the servers we are managing which are “Spamming”, “Phishing” and “Abuse Complaints”. ( I know there are more of these kinds [...]

Dealing with High Load Server

How to deal with high load on servers

High load causes lots of problem on your servers. It’s one of those problems which is equivalent to server down and effects your service level agreement along with your company’s reputation at stake. Given the competitive hosting industry market someone can really ill afford to let their servers face high load and server down issues. The downside of high load is customers are getting effected with slow loading times, sometimes almost inaccessible and various errors popping up on the websites [...]


Know if disk is a SSD or normal HDD

  In many cases, we have found servers having mixed type of disks, SSD for operating systems and normal large HDD for storage, so how to differentiate which disk is SSD and which one is not? Here’s how it can be detected:     For Linux Operating Systems:     There are 2 methods:Method 1: Use of lsblk..Use command lsblk -o name,rota and it will give a block list with ROTA value as 1 or 0 (1 for Normal HDD and 0 for SSD).     NAME [...]


VPS Hosting Vs Cloud Hosting – Web Hosting guide

Whether you are considering cloud server or VPS, choosing the right web host provider is critical undertaking. Today there is a great deal of talk revolving around cloud hosting or computing and many companies use these terms interchangeably to talk about both VPS and Cloud servers. As the new Cloud concept is gaining ground, more and more people and companies are wondering what distinguishes these two hosting solutions. At a glance both of these technologies may seem similar, there [...]

sysmbolic link

Symbolic link :- Adding and deleting

Symbolic Links refer to a symbolic path indicating the abstract location of another file i.e. symbolic links are files that act as pointers to other files. Symbolic Link is also known as symlink or soft link. Difference between soft link and hard link is that when symlink is removed the original target stays present. This is the opposite of a hard link which is a reference to the target and so, if the hard link is removed, so is the [...]


How to Increase the Size of the Logical Volume ?

Follow the steps below to increase the size of the logical volume and allocate additional space on one of your partitions. Once logged in, type df -h at the command prompt and hit ENTER. The partition and logical volume sizes will be listed including the used disk space. In the image below, the var logical volume is 4GB. Assume that ~9GB of web content will be uploaded to the /var folder. The disk space needs to be increased before there [...]


Understanding Linux server services

Some common web related services running on a Linux server are, but not limited to, include: httpd (Apache), mysqld (MySQL), vsftpd (Very Secure FTP), named (BIND), iptables (packet filtering ruleset), sshd (Secure Shell), network (network related services) and various others. Usually these services are started at boot time. To check what services are installed on the server, you can use the chkconfig tool. For example: [root@server ~]# chkconfig –list sshd                  0:off    1:off    2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off webmin           [...]


How to find your server is under DDOS Attack

Here is a command line to run on your server if you think your server is under DDOS attack.  The commands given below prints out list of open connections on your server and sorts them by connection amount. RedHat: netstat -ntu | awk ‘{print $5}’ | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n BSD: netstat -na |awk ‘{print $5}’ |cut -d “.” -f1,2,3,4 |sort |uniq -c |sort -n You can also check for connections by running the following command. netstat -plan [...]


WordPress Blog Brute Force Flood Underway !!

Recently we have seen on-going global attack on WordPress installations across every web host in existence. This attack is well organized and specially targets the file wp-login.php. Some of the ramifications of this attacks  are 1) Sites are loading extremely slow. 2) Unable to login to WordPress Admin Panel. 3) Website could even intermittently go down for undisclosed periods of time. So what needs to bed one. Here are some tips we will let you know to protect your WordPress blog. 1) Make sure [...]